Shanghai Yetuo Vacuum Freeze Drying Machine Usage Tips - Why Do We Need to Release Gas Before Turnin2023-06-06During the use of a vacuum freeze dryer, it is usually necessary to release air before turning off the vacuum pump, in order to protect the vacuum pump and improve the drying effect.Firstly, the purpo
Shanghai Yetuo Freeze Drying Machine - What parameters should be considered when purchasing a freeze2023-06-021. Freeze dried areaCalculate the appropriate freeze-drying machine area based on the items that need to be freeze-dried to meet the freeze-drying capacity.2. Cold trap temperatureA cold trap is a dev
What are the consequences of irregular replacement or expired use of the filter element in the ultra2023-06-011. Decreased water quality: The main function of the filter element is to remove impurities, ions, and microorganisms from water, ensuring the purity of the water. If the filter element fails or expir
Ten operating conditions of Ye Tuo ultrapure water machine2023-06-011. Power supply: Ultra pure water machines usually require a stable power supply to ensure the normal operation of the equipment. Ensure that the power supply meets the requirements of the equipment b
Do you know the top ten misconceptions when using Shanghai Yetuo ultra pure water machine2023-05-31There are some common misconceptions to be aware of when using Shanghai Yetuo ultra pure water machine. Here are some common usage misconceptions:1. Without regular maintenance and cleaning, the ultra
Application of Ultra Pure Water in Laboratory - Shanghai Yetuo Ultra Pure Water Machine2023-05-30Pure water has a wide range of applications in laboratories, and the following are some common application areas:Analysis experiment: Ultra pure water is commonly used in analysis experiments, such as
Do you want to know if the water produced by Shanghai Yetuo ultra pure water machine can be consumed2023-05-30The water produced by laboratory water purifiers is usually high-purity water, but it is not suitable for direct consumption. Although a pure water machine can remove most ions, impurities, and microo
The Importance of Shanghai Yetuo Ultra Pure Water Machine in High Performance Liquid Chromatography2023-05-29The Shanghai Yetuo ultrapure water machine plays a very important role in liquid chromatography. Before analyzing the sample, liquid chromatography usually requires the use of high-purity solvents and
Do you know why Shanghai Yetuo ultra pure water machine needs to discharge wastewater?2023-05-29During the process of producing high-purity water, the Shanghai Yetuo ultrapure water machine undergoes a series of water treatment steps, such as reverse osmosis, ion exchange, and electrodeionizatio
Description of Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 Water2023-05-26According to the "Specifications and Test Methods for Water Used in Analytical Laboratories" (GB6682-2008), pure water in analytical laboratories is divided into three grades: first grade wa